After Java Web Start has downloaded an application to the local machine, the client program is executed. JavaWebStart把一个应用程序下载到了本地机之后,客户机程序就被执行了。
This file can be found in your local Notes program directory. 在本地的Notes程序目录下可以找到此文件。
Hence, you can change your PATH variable to favor a local version of some program say your own, modified copy of squirrelsh in$ HOME/ bin/ squirrelsh and not change the content of the shell script. 因此,可以修改PATH变量以支持某个程序的本地版本即您自己的、修改后的squirrelsh副本,位于$HOME/bin/squirrelsh而不要修改shell脚本的内容。
You graduated from the Iceland Academy of Arts and had been involved in local radio program as a film critic; why did you switch to becoming a professional cartoonist? 你是从冰岛艺术研究院毕业的,还以影评人的身份参予地方电台节目,为什么会转行,成为一个专业的漫画家呢?
The following list will help you learn about the codes so you know which items to include in your local curbside or drop-off recycling program. 下面的列表可以帮助你了解这些编码,并使你知道你所在地区的回收系统包括了那些品种。
They consulted vaccinologists, epidemiologists, vaccine manufacturers, and state and local immunization program representatives. 他们咨询是疫苗学家、流行病学家、疫苗生产者、政府和当地免疫工作人员。
How to Improve Equality of Access to Higher Education: Implications of the "Eligibility in the Local Context" program for Undergraduate Admissions in the University of California 如何提高高等教育入学机会的公平性&加州大学本科招生地方合格性标准的启示
Crucially, it has been accompanied by a parallel local government reform program aimed at improving fiscal decentralization and financial accountability. 最重要的是,它还伴随着一个旨在改善财政分权和财务问责制的地方政府改革方案。
Christians, who would like to be involved in the Herald Cancer Care Network, or becoming a caregiver volunteer or prayer partner, please contact CCHC local offices or the Program Director. 有意参与「角声癌友关怀网」事工或成为关怀使者或代祷者的华人基督徒,请与角声各地办公室或事工主任接洽。
Whenever I have spare time to watch TV, I will watch national and local news program, which acquaints me with daily happenings at home and abroad. 每当我有空闲时间看电视,我会看国家和地方的新闻节目,这责任了解国内外每天发生的事情我。
Procmail is a local mail delivery and filter program. procmail是一个本地邮件分发过滤程序。
JNI technology is the local program interface, it makes the Java code which run in the Java virtual machine can ex-manipulate with the library which be written using the other program language. JNI是本地编程接口,它使得在Java虚拟机(VM)内部运行的Java代码能够与用其它编程语言编写的相关库进行互操作。
The Background of Local TV Program Going Native 论地方电视节目本土化语境
Based BASIC program is turned to C program; we need find those variables in based BASIC program that are expressed as local variables in C program. 要把BASIC程序变为C程序,就需找出BASIC程序中那些可在C函数中用局部变量表示的变量。
[ Conclusion] The medium-term target of local TB control program was completed on the whole in Longyan prefecture of Fujian province. [结论]龙岩市基本完成了结核病防治规划中确定的中期目标。
Building Local Industrial Program for Regional Economical Development 地方政府的产业计划是架构区域经济发展的关键
The local government actively organized the program in the prevention of blindness. 地方各级政府积极组织开展防盲治盲工作。
Devising Local Area Network Dialogue Program 局域网对话程序设计
Transfer the sequence number of hard disk that the local application program reads user's host computer as user's uniqueness basis through JNI interface, then use RSA encrypt algorithms to realize the user information and encryption which register information are protected and proved. 通过JNI接口调用本地应用程序读取用户主机的硬盘序列号作为用户唯一性依据,利用RSA加密算法实现用户信息和注册信息的加密保护和验证。
The author investigates the law of the local aeolian geological precess and it's influence on agriculture according to form and distribution of some the aeolian geomorphic units. Finally the author puts forward some proposals for local agricultural program. 笔者根据这些风成地貌的形态、分布特征,探讨了当地风的地质作用的规律及其对农业的影响,最后笔者对当地农业生产规划提出若干建议。
However, some local land expropriation relocation program is not standard, compensation opaque, the appropriation of the land compensation fees even intercept farmers frequently occurred. 然而,一些地方征地拆迁安置程序不规范,补偿不透明,致使挪用甚至截留农民征地补偿费的现象时有发生。
The social construction of new rural areas is a systematic and complex project, but there is no uniform mode of construction to follow, all regions should be based on the special circumstances of the local planning and construction program. 新农村的社会建设是一项系统而复杂的工程,但没有统一的建设模式可循,各个地区都应该根据本地的特殊情形规划建设方案。
For this reason, emotional category TV talk show in many television programs quickly gain a firm footing, competing to become the production of various local stations broadcasting the program. 正因如此,情感类电视谈话节目迅速的在众多电视节目中站稳了脚跟,成为了各个地方台争相制作开播的节目。
United it with the Network Processor platform an Internet traffic samples collection system was designed. A client with static filterable and monitor mechanism was designed and applied to monitor the local network program running status by Hook. 设计客户端,利用静态过滤监测机制,采用Hook方式监视本地应用程序的网络调用。
The government should bear much responsibility on investment in compulsory education and explicit the investment proportion with local government through program. 在义务教育财政投入时,中央政府应该承担更多的义务教育财政投入责任,通过项目明确中央政府与地方政府的财政投入比例。
The program shared memory which can be dynamically allocated for DSP cores as local program memory and can also support sharing subroutines among the DSPs is designed. 设计了共享程序存储器。它既可以按段动态分配给各DSP内核作为私有存储器的扩展,又可以实现子程序代码的共享。
Secondly, Local government social policy program planning and choice mechanism is unadvisable. 二是地方政府社会政策方案规划与选择机制欠合理。
In image denoising area, it also performs well. In this paper, aiming at clearing the blurred images in video monitoring, a local image denoising application program based on wavelet transform is designed and developed, to do post image processing. 本文针对嵌入式视频监控图像噪声的问题,研究了正交小波变换与中值滤波相结合的图像去噪方法,设计并开发出相应的应用程序对视频图像进行后期去噪处理。
The provincial dispatching of the main station system configuration one web server, to be responsible for providing the web services for the standard web browser clients in the server of local dispatching in this program. 此方案省调主站系统须配置一台Web服务器,负责提供对地调终端通用浏览器客户的服务器端的Web服务功能。
The local program memory and local data memory are designed. 设计了DSP内核的私有程序存储器和私有数据存储器。